Does Energy Consumption, Related Costs, or Building Value Concern You?
Dear Building Owner or Maintenance Manager:
ADG would like to take this opportunity to introduce our EpoxyFlex roof coating to you. Since 1978,EpoxyFlex has been the highest quality, most versatile, greatest energy saving product of its type on the market. Energy consumption is now a crucial topic of discussion and concern all across America. California is and has been plagued with an energy crisis of epic proportion complete with rolling black outs and sky rocketing energy bills.
The bad news: Your building doesn’t need to be located in the deserts of California to be hit hard by increasing energy costs. Whether you’re in a hot climate or a cold one — or something in between — you’re paying a lot more for energy.
The good news: There are ways to cut energy costs through conservation measures. The California Energy Commission, seeking ways to moderate energy consumption and aid the consumer, has helped to establish certain minimum legal requirements for this purpose, mostly through Title 24 – California Code. For roofing, this simply means new roofs, re-roofs, and certain repairs must be done with a white material that meets such requirements.
EpoxyFlex has lowered roof temperatures over a 100°, reducing heat conduction into the building (results will vary due to building dynamics). We at ADG would like to help you make exceeding Title 24 requirements, building enhancement, roof maintenance, and saving money the easiest tasks before you. Apply EpoxyFlex to your roof and the rest is automatic.
Even better news: In addition to energy savings, EpoxyFlex can eliminate your budgeted roof related operational costs; and, increase your building’s value. You will never have to (re)roof again!
ADG has Factory Preferred and Trained Certified Applicators in your area to assure the highest satisfaction in product and service quality.
Thank you,
President, ADG